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October 4, 2022
Design / Development / Author
A Southern Writer - Diane Story

A Southern Writer
Diane Story

Diane Story is the author of All Roads Lead to Tucker, Georgia. She also writes short story blog posts about the history of Georgia, the Pre-Civil War, Ghost stories, and more. Diane had mentioned to us that she loves the rustic look, loves sunflowers, and nature. Laura, the designer, incorporated all of that into the website design for A Southern Writer.

Branding isn’t just about your logo or colors. It’s the entire communication your author website sends about you and your work. It’s the colors used, the fonts, the type of illustrations, and the way you present yourself and your work.

Author branding is what makes all the difference in giving shape to your unique place online. Without branding, you’re just another “insert your genre” author.

If you’re worried about how to create an author website that captivates the internet, don’t worry! We’re here to help. Call us today at (678) 457-7939 or request an online quote.