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Design Phase

Cellular ER Website Design Concept One


We have just completed a design concept for Cellular ER. This particular site will include information on Cell phone repairs, Trading your cell phone, and Selling your cell phone. The owners hired us to do Logo design for their Cell Phone Repair site so what you see is not the finalized logo but a work in progress. I am going to suggest they have each section broken down by specific phone repair and have a blog on their website in order to always have fresh content on their Cell Phone Repair website. It is very important when making blog posts that one uses certain keywords that may trigger certain search results for individuals searching on the net. If you have a Cell Phone Repair business or know some one who has a Cell Phone Repair Business that needs an updated Cell Phone Repair Website Re-design or Cell Phone Website Design please contact us at (678) 457-7939 or visit our portfolio to view our work here . Be sure to give us your feedback on this particular design on Facebook.

Author: eis2022