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Design Phase SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Website Redesign

The Tyler Law Firm, LLC Website Design Option One

The Tyler Law Firm, LLC recently contacted us here at EIS to re-design their website. We first designed their current site back in 2009 so it was time to bring them into the Responsive Website Era. The Tyler Law Firm is one of Gwinnett’s finest DUI Law Firms. I have seen post after post from Lance Tyler announcing win after win for his clients on Facebook.

In this particular design I wanted to make it at first glance, noticeable that The Tyler Law Firm, LLC concentrates on DUIs. The large image you will see would actually be a slider on the home page that would slide to the next slide with content pointing the site visitor to a particular page within their website.  There will be a DUI Questionnaire for folks to be able to fill out their online form securely online to better prepare the firm of their case. We can also implement a Client testimonial area on the home page to point to all testimonials if needed. Call to action locations on the home page. Social Media link-ups and design and we will be completely re-doing their SEO for their new website. Not that it could get much better than what you see here when you type in DUI Gwinnett https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS451US451&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=dui%20gwinnett .

We cannot wait to roll out their newly designed site. Remember if you are an attorney looking for better results with your website or need a law firm website design or attorney website development work then make sure you check out our online portfolio here https://elegantimagestudios.com/our-work/ or give us a call at (678) 457-7939.


Author: eis2022