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Tips Website Maintenance

7 Things You Should Check on Your Website Every Month

  1. Check Your Links

Few things look as amateur as links that are no longer relevant, or don’t work! Every so often, go back and click on every link on your website. Every. Single. One. If you link to outside sources of information, you need to check to make sure they’ve not been broken, removed, moved, or simply been eaten by some computer error.

2. Update Your Content

Out-of-date content doesn’t look great. If you have a brochure site for a small business, and the prices are not often subject to change, it can be fine to mostly leave the content alone. But if you have any sort of blog, media feed, or what-have-you: keep it up to date.

3. Test on New Browsers and Devices

When a new browser comes out, test your site. If your friend gets a new phone or tablet, ask to borrow it so you can test your site. A new version of JavaScript comes out? Test your site with it. Get a new TV that can browse the web? You get the idea, I’m sure.

4. Double Check All Javascript Interactions

This is actually a big one. So many sites rely on JavaScript for basic functionality. Large swathes of content and even entire websites will stop working if their JavaScript stops working for any reason.

5. Double Check All Forms

Forms can stop working for a variety of reasons. Whatever the reason, check the forms regularly, so you don’t lose business.

6. Update All Hacks and Workarounds

Sometimes when others build websites they may use hacks. Workarounds. But browsers get updates, browser market saturation changes, and CSS gets updated too. Whenever you hear of any changes that might affect your site you should check to see if any of your workarounds are now obsolete.

7. Have a Backup Plan

Have a plan for backing up your entire website. any decent web host should be handling backups for you. If not, contact us today.


Article from: https://www.redinfographics.com/7-things-check-website-every-month/

Author: eis2022