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Benefits and Disadvantages of Hiring a Cheap Web Designer

Sometimes we just want to be frugal and save money. We wonder, if we can save some money and get the same product, then why not do it? Well with web design, this rule can lead you to get a bad product or even worse, LOSE MONEY! Do not despair, there are also benefits of a having a cheap web designer.  So let us see what the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a cheap web designer for your business or blog.

infro-graphic-what-goes-into-a-websiteFirst, Let us Look At What Makes a Good Web Design (see image to the right)

  1. Domain Name Advice & Service
  2. Hosting Advice & Service
  3. Tech
  4. Purpose
  5. Layout & Color
  6. Site Map
  7. Content
  8. Audience
  9. Advertisement
  10. Pop Up Message
  11. Attractive Design
  12. Buttons
  13. Background
  14. Images
  15. Easy Navigation
  16. Unique
  17. Fresh
  18. Optimized
  19. Cross Browser Compatibility
  20. Screen Resolution
  21. Social Media
  22. Typography
  23. Registration
  24. Tracking & Analytics
  25. Provide Security
  26. Footer

As you can see, a lot of things go into making a good web design which are usually incorporated by good web design companies. Whether it be incorporating social media, tracking analytics, or good layout colors. Now this shows what actually has to go into a website, which is a lot of work. Now imagine how much work that would take to incorporate every single one of those elements. This is where a cheap web designer comes in. So let us look at the disadvantages of having a cheap web designer.

Disadvantages of a Cheap Web Designer:

1. You Get What You Paid For

If you are buying a cheap product, chances are that it will not be build with quality. It will break, not last long, and may be even harmful. In the case of a spending $100-$200 on a cheap web design by a cheap website design company, it means that you will get a mediocre website because you did not compensate the web designer enough. Remember, this is PROFESSIONAL WORK, therefore it should be treated with a professional price. When you pay little for professional work, you are going to get a website that functions poorly, does not have any search engine optimization, and is destined to turn your viewers away to go somewhere else. Little pay for a web site will usually get little work done to it, at least the amount of work that you paid for. A cheap web design service is not always the best way to go, especially for your business. A website is kind of like an investment, you put more money in and you get more money out! So think twice about getting a web design cheap from some place online for $100.

2. A Cheap Web Designer Will Usually Not Give You A Return On Investment

A cheap web designer will usually put enough work that you paid him to do, therefore it will be the bare basics. When it comes to web design, the bear basic are not enough. You need search engine optimization, which will get you to the top sports of Google and in return drive TONNES OF TRAFFIC to you website.  You also might not get a responsive web design which will cater to the needs of people searching for your website on a tablet or mobile phone. This will hurt your chances of getting traffic, sales, and a return on your investment from your website.

Advantages Of A Cheap Web Designer:

1. Having  Saved Money

If you do you a  lot of research for a honest and cheap freelance web designer that can create a great website for you for a good price then you might get lucky and save money. This is especially true if you don’t plan to use your website for major traffic, just local traffic.

2. Finding a Diamond in the Rough

Hiring a good web designer cheap can mean that you just found a contact that can help you build other websites. This is important and can be a tremendous help to all your friends. So if you look hard enough, you just might find a diamond in the rough.

In the end,

Hiring a cheap web designer can be a bit risky and give you a low return on your money.

Author: eis2022