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Tips Website Design

Top 5 tips for Web Design

We are always here to help at Elegant Image Studios. We are going to share the top 5 web design tips for you to look for no matter what developer you hire for your next project.

  1. Site Is Not Mobile Ready: Responsive websites are a must! Every year, more and more web browsing is done on phones and other devices. Mobile is the now and it’s definitely not going anywhere. If your website cannot adapt to different screen sizes then your site is not mobile friendly. This tiny mistake could lead to losing out on multiple sales and conversions. So how do you fix the problem? You need a responsive website.
  2. Stale and Bland Content: If you want to generate long-lasting leads, you must have good content. Good copy will help you gain more site traffic and make people trust your company or service. Google recommends a 300-word minimum. Also, keep in mind, your content should always offer value to the customer in terms of tips and ideas.
  3. Original Photography is Important: This website mistake is probably the most common. Customers like to see visually appealing images when they visit a site. Taking the time to find high-quality images is easy and will definitely be beneficial in the long run.
  4. Poor Navigation: Without proper site navigation, your customers can become confused and overwhelmed. It’s important to limit the links in your menu and then put them in order that would make sense for your customers when they visit your site. Their needs to be a coherent direction or sequence of steps for the customer to take. The goal is for them to learn more about you and your services first.
  5. Bad Text: If your customer can’t read your content, then there’s a good chance there will be no sale. There are three main things that can affect the readability: font, color, and most importantly, size. It’s best to choose a font that is approximately 16 px. Another major point to keep in mind is that the size of your text will depend on the font style as well. When it comes to font colors, stick to a dark color if your background is light and vice versa. You want to make sure that your color palette is cohesive.
We hope this will give you a better insight into making your website work better for you and your business. Whether you need to remedy your mobile ranking or want to jump ahead in the marketplace, we’ve got the answers you need, with innovative web design based on extensive market research. Please contact us at Elegant Image Studios (678) 457-7939 today and let us help your business grow!
Author: eis2022